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DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management.

Do you have a passion for DECA,
Marketing, and Business?
So, your marketing classes are your absolute favorites? The marketing classroom is not only where you learn the most but also where you feel the most comfortable. That is not surprising, because your favorite teacher is there.
Is your favorite season, contest season?
Do you love that rush of adrenaline on competition days?
Does your wardrobe consist mainly of DECA t-shirts and professional dress?
Do you throw up a DECA diamond in almost every photo opportunity?
Have you met some of your closest friends at DECA events? Us, too!
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you definitely have a
passion for DECA and marketing! You should consider becoming a DECA advisor.

Future Plans?
People keep asking you, What are you going to be when you grow up? Where are you going to college? What will your major be? Five-Year Plan? Ten-Year Plan? How do you answer them? It's all a little overwhelming, but you can't help but think about it. There are lots of options, and you are unsure of your future. That is totally normal.
All you know is that you want a career that is fun and rewarding. You don't want to do the same thing every day. You want variety and excitement. You want to inspire the next generation. You want to leave a legacy and be remembered. You want a career with job security and a good retirement. You want a career that allows you to have interests and family time outside of the normal work hours. If any of those statements are true, why not consider teaching business and marketing?
Let's recap real quick:
Favorite Class: Marketing
The Best Teacher(s) at Your School: Your DECA Advisor
Favorite Season: DECA Contest Season
Clothing Staples: DECA T-shirts and Professional Dress Outfits
Go to Photo Pose: DECA Diamonds
Coolest Friends: DECA Members
Rewarding Career: DECA Advisors
Variety and Excitement: DECA Advisors
Inspire the Next Generation: DECA Advisors
Leave a Legacy and Be Remembered: DECA Advisors
Job Security and Great Retirement: DECA Advisors
Personal Time: DECA Advisors
Are you seeing a theme? Do you ever feel like you're more plugged into your marketing classes and you don't have that special connection with any other teacher like you do with your DECA Advisor?
That is because business and marketing teachers really understand how to connect your classroom learning to the real world and help prepare you for your future. They have skills in so many different areas, and they know how to break it down to help you learn better. They are great at mentoring and encouraging you and your classmates to push yourselves, whether it be through competition or everyday life. Teachers make a huge difference in students' lives. You know, you have experienced it.
Nationwide, schools need business and marketing teachers. In fact, there is a major shortage. Last year, even Missouri didn't have enough business and marketing teachers to fill all of our openings.
Check out the resources under this tab to learn more about business and marketing education and how you can get a jump start to a fantastic career.

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