DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management.

Missouri Collegiate Competitive Events
Individual Case Study Events - Category 1
COF - Corporate Finance
EOP - Entrepreneurship Operations
FMM - Fashion Merchandising and Marketing
FACT - Financial Accounting
HLM - Hotel and Lodging
HRM - Human Resource Management
MM - Marketing Management
RFSM - Restaurant and Food Service Management
RMML - Retail Management
SML- Sales Management Meeting
TTMM - Travel and Tourism
Team Case Study Events - Category II
BETH - Business Ethics
BBM - Business-to-Business Marketing
EM - Entertainment Marketing
EP - Event Planning
INT - International Marketing
MCOM - Marketing Communications
SM - Sports Marketing
Prepared Business Presentation Events - Category III
ADC - Advertising Campaign
BR - Business Research
DMS - Digital Marketing Strategies
ENGB - Entrepreneurship (Growing your Business)
ENSB - Entrepreneurship (Starting a Business)
FSA - Financial Statement Analysis
PSE - Professional Sales

Missouri Collegiate DECA reserves the right to cancel an event should a minimum number of competitors register for the event.
The maximum number of entries that may be submitted by one chapter in the same event is unlimited.
All students must be registered in one event from either Category I, Category II, or Category III.
The maximum number of events that one student may enter is three – one from Category I, one from Category II, and one from Category III.
Specific Event Guidelines
Individual Case Study Events listed in Category I have TWO parts: one, 100-point multiple choice exam and one role-play scenario (case study solution) that will be judged by business representatives.
Team Case Study Events in Category II must be comprised of two members. Both team members must participate in the presentation to the judge(s) and both must respond to questions from the judge(s).
Prepared Business Presentation Events listed in Category III are comprised of two types of events:
Events evaluated on the paper and the presentation (ADC, BR, ENGB, ENSB, FSA)
Events evaluated solely on the presentation (DMS, SMM)
Be sure to check the DECA Guide for the correct number of participants, and exam, role-play and presentation requirements.
Remember that in team events, all participants must participate in the presentation to the judge(s) and all must respond to questions from the judge(s).
All Category III entries are submitted prior (see instructions on the “SCDC Deadlines Checklist”) to the state conference, and must include a signed “Written Event Statement of Assurances”.
Category I Testing
Category I Testing will be available online, prior to the State Conference.
Chapter Advisors will submit the name(s) of designated Proctors at the time of Registration.
Proctors must be employees of the respective institution.
Proctors will receive detailed instructions, along with usernames and passwords prior to the testing window.
Independent cDECA Members may choose to test on-site at SCDC during a special testing session.
Sections (aka “flights”) will be used in Category III events that have high registration numbers (approximately 15 or more in an event).
All manuals must include the signed “Written Statement of Assurances” including the student’s signature(s). (It is neither numbered nor counted in total pages; it is inserted as the first page of the manual.) Manuals submitted without the required statement will be penalized. Signatures may not be typed (this is a change for the 2024 school year).
All manuals will be screened using the event’s “Written Entry Checklist”. (See DECA Guide.)
Once a manual is entered in competition, the identical content material may not be entered in State or International competition again. The chapter advisor is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy. A manual submitted in violation of this policy will not be judged.
All Category III events will be submitted virtually before the state conference.
The written portion and the presentation may or may not be judged by the same judge.
All Category III, Prepared Business Presentations, will present at the State Career Development Conference.